My Sigma Pi Alumni Website
Web pages for Sigma Pi - Zeta Epsilon Chapter alumni. This site includes many features including alumni database with detailed
contact information, alumni bills, event calendar, Orchid Ball info and reservation tool, rags and roses feedback, distribution
list internet e-mailer, newletters and administrative tools.
Status and Recent Upgrades:
- 10/14/2008 - Created a news and announcements database and editor.
- 10/14/2008 - Created a future updates database and editor.
- 09/01/2008 - Add fields to alumni database.
- 05/09/2005 - Required to modify all PERL scripts since domain host was changed.
- 02/15/2005 - Created a document server that will manage links to fraternity related documents.
- 02/01/2005 - Modified RSVP tool for managing multiple events with many more features.
- 05/01/2003 - Moved links around page to accomodate smaller screen resolutions.
- 04/30/2003 - Changed HTML some formatting tags universally.
- 04/26/2003 - Published newly designed website for Sigma Pi Alumni website.
Open Issues and Problems:
- Create a donations program
- Create and ALL-IN-ONE program that doesn't require going to 3 different programs to enter data
- Financial section should have ability to e-mail discepancy complaints
- Document server needs a copy routine and better placement capability
- Utilize more advanced password security
- Incorporate Javascript in form data validation universally